Guo An Tang TCM Clinic

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulates the Long-term Sequelae of Covid 19?

Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulates the Long-term Sequelae of Covid 19

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a global health crisis, with long-term sequelae that can be difficult to manage. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used to treat a variety of ailments for centuries, and its holistic approach to health and wellness can be beneficial in regulating the long-term sequelae of COVID-19. This essay will discuss how TCM can be used to regulate the long-term sequelae of COVID-19, including its ability to reduce inflammation, improve immunity, and promote overall health and wellbeing.

Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation is a common symptom of COVID-19, and it can lead to a variety of long-term sequelae. TCM has been used for centuries to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Herbal remedies such as ginger, turmeric, and licorice root are commonly used in TCM to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Acupuncture is also used to reduce inflammation by stimulating specific points on the body. This stimulation helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Improving Immunity

The immune system plays an important role in fighting off infections and diseases, and it is essential for regulating the long-term sequelae of COVID-19. TCM can be used to improve immunity by using herbal remedies such as ginseng, astragalus, and reishi mushrooms. These herbs are known for their immune-boosting properties, and they can help to improve the body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases. Acupuncture can also be used to stimulate the immune system by targeting specific points on the body.

Promoting Overall Health and Wellbeing

TCM is a holistic approach to health and wellness, and it can be beneficial in promoting overall health and wellbeing. Herbal remedies such as ginseng, astragalus, and reishi mushrooms are known for their ability to improve energy levels and reduce stress. Acupuncture is also used to promote overall health and wellbeing by targeting specific points on the body. This stimulation helps to improve energy levels and reduce stress.


In conclusion, TCM can be used to regulate the long-term sequelae of COVID-19. Its ability to reduce inflammation, improve immunity, and promote overall health and wellbeing makes it an effective treatment option for those suffering from the long-term effects of the virus. TCM is a holistic approach to health and wellness, and its use can help to improve quality of life for those affected by the virus.